長久以來,廢水違法排放為臺灣重要的環境污染課題,但在稽查人員有限的資源下,如何建立快速、經濟且有效的監測方法實為當務之急。臺大地質科學系岩芯掃描實驗室黃致展博士、施路易教授、魏國彥教授與臺大生物環境系統工程學系張尊國教授、屏科大林聖淇助理教授和其國際團隊,以離子交換樹脂做為水中重金屬陽離子的捕獲器,其相對低廉的價格,使野外的大量佈放成為可能。所取得的樣本則以快速而高精度的X光螢光掃描技術進行分析,以追蹤水汙染的範圍、來源和種類,進而達到環境監測和鑑識的目的。本研究感謝環保署、農委會、科技部和教育部的經費支持。相關文章刊載於4月29日出版的自然-科學報導期刊(Nature-Scientific Reports): https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-43015-x
A new study led by NTUGEO ITRAX Lab presents a novel, simple, fast, and inexpensive approach to monitor heavy metal pollution by combining ion-exchange resin sachets and micro-XRF-core scanning technique. The ion-exchange resin sachets act as passive concentrators of heavy metals and can be readily deployed over large areas to record pollution signals. Following deployment, the samplers are recovered and measured using an Itrax micro-XRF core scanner, which was originally designed for high-resolution sediment core analysis. The ability to rapidly and precisely measure large numbers of sachets in a short time makes the method suitable for environmental monitoring programs, thereby contributing to the development of environmental monitoring and forensics.
Read the article in Nature-Scientific Reports: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-43015-x