[榮耀]本系江博明教授榮獲日本地質學會「2014 JGS International Prize」
江博明先生 2014年日本地質学会国際賞推薦文
Professor Bor-ming Jahn (Distinguished Chair Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan) is known for his groundbreaking and innovative work on the evolution of continental crust using the principles and techniques of isotope geochemistry and geochronology. He is a recognized world leader in those research fields and has made outstanding contributions to the geoscience community in Japan through research exchange, technical training and academic cooperation.
Prof. Jahn graduated from National Taiwan University in 1963, and received a master's degree at Brown University in 1967 which was followed by a Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis in 1972. His early work at NASA (1972–1974) and the Lunar Science Institute (1974–1976) focused on the geochemistry of Archean komatiites and granitoids and the development of analytical techniques. After his successful career as a professor in France at the Université de Rennes 1e (1976–2003), he returned to Taiwan, first as Chair Professor at National Taiwan University (2003-2004) and then was chosen as the Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences (IES), Academia Sinica (2004-2010). After his retirement from Academia Sinica, he was re-hired as “Distinguished Chair Professor” at National Taiwan University (2010-present). Throughout his long career, he has made numerous, cooperative academic exchanges with Japanese researchers He has recruited young Japanese researchers as post-doctoral fellows of IES, and helped to integrate them into the international scientific community. He maintains a vigorous research program and provides a nurturing environment for young scientists. Prof. Jahn has increased the profile of Asian geology as Chief Editor of Journal of Asian Earth Sciences which provides a world-class venue for Asia-based researchers to publish their work. Additionally, He is an associate editor or editorial board member of seven Science Citation Index (SCI) journals including "Island Arc".
Prof. Jahn has published over 240 scientific papers and 15 special volumes; his publications have been widely cited as he was ranked among the most highly-cited authors (> 10,000 citation) in the Thompson-Reuters Web of Science 2013. He is one of the earliest researchers that applied modern geochemical and isotope techniques to the study of continental evolution and was the first to identify the oldest rocks (ca. 3.8 Ga) in North China Carton. His studies of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt established that a significant amount of juvenile crust within Eastern and Central Asia developed during the Phanerozoic. His studies on Asian granitoids have extended into the Japanese Islands as well. Prof. Jahn's contributions also include rare-earth element typology of komatiites and geochemical and isotope studies of Archean granitoids and UHP eclogites. The term "TTG" (tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite suite) was a derivative of his work in Western Australia.
Prof. Jahn's scholarly accomplishments have received a number of honors. He was elected Fellow in four distinguished academic societies (Geological Society of America, Mineralogical Society of America, Geochemical Society, and European Association of Geochemistry), honorary professorships in nine research institutions in China, Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques (Knight of the Order of Academic Palms, France) in 2008, and Academician of Academia Sinica in 2012. He was also awarded Prix Prestwich 2013 from the Société Géologique de France.
Based on his scientific achievements and important contributions to the Japanese geological community, we recommend Prof. Bor-ming Jahn for the 2014 International Award of the Geological Society of Japan.
江氏は国立台湾大学(台湾大)で学位取得後、ブラウン大学、ミネソタ州立大学ミネアポリス校において、それぞれ地球化学の修士号、博士号を取得した。その後、米国航空宇宙局有人宇宙機センター(現、ジョンソン宇宙センター)及び月科学研究所に在職し、月試料分析に携わりながら、太古代花崗岩・コマチ岩の地球化学的研究を展開し、分析法開発に携わった。その後、レンヌ第一大学に27年間在職して、研究と教育に携わり、多数の後継者を輩出した。2003年に台湾大に移り、続いて2004年に中央科学院地球科学研究所所長に抜擢され、台湾の地球惑星科学分野の国際的飛躍に大きく貢献する一方で、日本から若手研究者を積極的に受け入れて国際舞台への進出を援助した。所長職を退いた2010年以後も、台湾大において後輩の教育に尽力するとともに、J. Asian Earth Sci.誌編集長をはじめ、Island Arc誌編集顧問などを務め、アジアの地質学分野の発展に大きく貢献している.