

週三, 26 三月 2014 14:25


臺灣大學地質科學系江博明老師誠徵 學士級以上之研究助理 一名
誠徵對於「地球化學」領域有興趣之學士級以上之研究助理一名,工作內容為地球化學分析及行政工作。起聘時間為4月中旬。應徵者最好具備地球科學或化學等相關科系之訓練,及良好英文能力。薪資參照科技部薪資標準。有意者請寄送履歷(中英文)及任何有利應徵文件寄至徐小姐信箱: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
(如有進一步疑問或需詳細資訊,也可電子郵件或電話詢問。Tel: 3366-2920)

Research Assistant, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
A full time post of research assistant is available at Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, starting Mid-April, 2014. The person will be working with Prof. Bor-ming Jahn, and the duty involves geochemical analysis and routine administrative work. Applicant must have a bachelor degree (or higher) and preferably in geosciences or chemistry. Good command of English is required. Salary: commensurate with the qualification and follow the scale of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). Applicants should send a cover letter and resume (CV) in Chinese and English to Ms. Hsu: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 . For any questions, please feel free to contact us (Tel: 3366-2920).