Hello ,
We are seeking your help to encourage students to join SSA and become part of our growing community. To celebrate the start of a new term, we are offering your students a complimentary 2018 SSA Student Membership that includes:
- Online access to BSSA and SRL
- Discounted registration fee for the 2018 SSA Annual Meeting
- Eligibility to apply for travel grants
- Contact with a broad international network of seismologists and engineers
Students may apply for the complimentary membership by visitingseismosoc.org/membership/newstudent and entering the code FREESTUD2018 in the discount field.
The complimentary membership is offered only to new SSA student members. Current or lapsed SSA members are not eligible for the discount. This membership discount will be available to your students through 16 February 2018.
If you have students who are already members of SSA, please let them know of a new travel grant program for this year. In February and July, eligible student members may apply for travel grants for any small or international meeting related to their study of earthquakes. The information about the grant program will be on the SSA website later this month.
Please let me know if you or your students have any questions as I am happy to help! Thank you for helping us grow the future of seismology!
Sydni Schieber
Membership Officer