學歷 |
2005 國立臺灣大學地質科學系學士 |
2007 國立臺灣大學地質科學系碩士 |
2015 美國康乃迪克大學地質科學系博士 |
經歷 |
2015/1-2016/5 國立臺灣大學地質科學系博士後研究員 |
2016/5-迄今 台電綜合研究所地質研究專員 |
[著 作]
- Huang, C., Byrne, T. B., Ouimet, W. B., Lin, C.-W., Hu, J.-C., Fei, L.-Y., & Wang, Y.-B. (2016). Tectonic foliations and the distribution of landslides in the southern Central Range, Taiwan. Tectonophysics, 692 (B), 203-212.
- Huang, M.-H., Tung, H., Fielding, E. J., Huang, H.-H., Liang, C., Huang, C., & Hu, J.-C. (2016). Multiple fault slip triggered above the 2016 Mw 6.4 MeiNong earthquake in Taiwan. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(14), 7459-7467.
- Huang, C., & Byrne, T. B. (2014). Tectonic evolution of an active tectonostratigraphic boundary in accretionary wedge: An example from the Tulungwan-Chaochou Fault system, southern Taiwan. Journal of Structural Geology, 69 (B), 320–333.
- Mirakian, D. C., Crespi, J. M., Byrne, T. B., Huang, C., Ouimet, W. B., & Lewis, J. C. (2013). Tectonic implications of nonparallel topographic and structural curvature in the higher elevations of an active collision zone, Taiwan. Lithosphere, 5 (1), 49-66.